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Collaborating on eClosings |
eClosings: Your Questions Answered |
With preparation, communication and support, title agents and mortgage lenders can smooth out transaction bottlenecks and provide a better consumer experience.
2020 has spurred the title insurance and settlement services industry to quickly adopt remote and eClosings, but some questions remain. Watch this complimentary webinar to learn the answers to your questions and gain implementation confidence.
Ready, Set... RON! |
Ready, Set... RON! Part 2
This is a broad topic with much to understand and execute. Join our panel of subject matter experts and learn the A to Z of remote eClosings.
In Part 2 our instructors provide updates on this ever evolving topic and address the most common FAQs as well as answer attendee questions.

2022 eClosing Security |
2020 eClosing Compliance |
This special report examines the different aspects eclosing security and what goes into creating a safe eClosing.
Get the latest updates on compliance issues surrounding eClosings in this exclusive report.
2019 eClosing Compliance |
eClosing Time to Get Real
RON became almost a buzzword during the 2019 legislative session, and as RON closings become more commonplace, industry members may have to find ways to tackle common issues that could occur.
Fast movement in RON adoption has raised concerns by county recorders and clerks over the importance of interstate recognition in RON transactions.

Revised Uniform Law on Notarial Acts (2018)
NASS Support for the Revised National Electronic Notarization Standards
MBA and ALTA Model Act
MBA and ALTA Memo on Model Act