The Maryland Insurance Administration (MIA) issued Bulletin 24-2 re: contact information in the event of a disaster or catastrophic event. The information requested must be submitted to MIA by the close of business April 15.
The bulletin begins, “Pursuant to §2-115 of the Maryland Insurance Article and COMAR, all insurers, non-profit health service plans, and dental plan organizations authorized to issue insurance contracts that provide health insurance, life insurance, property insurance, or casualty insurance in Maryland; health maintenance organizations licensed to operate in Maryland; the Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund; the Joint Insurance Association; and premium finance companies shall provide the information requested below to the Maryland Insurance Administration by close of business on April 15.”
The information must be submitted electronically at Login IDs and passwords are being emailed to the primary contacts listed for each company. Companies may also contact Joyce Peach at (410) 468-2360 or [email protected] for the login information.
It requests companies review all fields to ensure all contact information is up to date. It further states, “The same person may be listed for more than one contact. Either the primary or back-up contact must be available to answer questions during evenings or weekends. The company is responsible for immediately notifying the Maryland Insurance Administration of any changes to any of the contact information. If you are unsure who the primary contact is that will be receiving the login credentials, please use the Contacts Search tab at the top of the Disaster Contacts page. After searching via the insurance carrier, you can see who all the current contacts are on file. Please note that if there are no changes, still be sure to have the primary contact login and click ‘Save’ to record that the information has been reviewed.”
MIA is requesting the work address, phone number, fax number, cell number, and email address for both a primary contact and a back-up contact. If a company has a continuity of operations plan, it is asking for the work address, phone number, fax number, cell number, and email address number for that contact. If a company has a pandemic flu plan, MIA is asking for the same information for the primary contact of that plan. Lastly it is requesting the work address, phone number, fax number, cell number, and email address of the Severe Event Data Call Contact.